Dear [NAME]
Another busy month for Ainkaboot, two new modules are now available to order, the MPOP and MPC2 provide an Opteron and Core 2 option for our customers, bringing efficient 64bit computing to the Octimod Clustering Platform.
20% Discount

A discount is available on all orders placed in the first quarter of 2007. 20% off all hardware, software and consulting costs.
Just get in contact either by e-mailing: or filling out our online form
Ainkaboot Cluster Architectures
We have prepared a web page which highlights some possible cluster architectures.
This page can help our customers visualise how a cluster could help them.
"The OpenSSL Project is a collaborative effort to develop a robust, commercial-grade, full-featured, and Open Source toolkit implementing the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL v2/v3) and Transport Layer Security (TLS v1) protocols as well as a full-strength general purpose cryptography library"
The OpenSSL library provides a key aspect of Ainkaboots clusters providing the underlying technology for the opsnSSH program which implements all the inter node communication in Ainkaboot clusters. The latest version of the library also makes use of the VIA Padlock features found on the C7 processor used in some of our modules.
The Padlock security features allow OpenSSL to improve the speed of encryption/decryption, in particular the presence of a Montgomery multiplier, which simplifies the precess of taking modulo of numbers. By using Montgomery reduction instead of multiple binary division. This is important in RSA and DSA encryption and allows significant processor savings freeing up processor time for other jobs.
Our thanks to the developers of OpenSSL, you can find them on the web:
Thanks for reading,
The Ainkaboot Team
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