Octimod Clustering Platform Press Conference

2007-02-27 by Hanni Ali

There was a press conference last Monday highlighting the use of the VIA C7 in Ainkaboot modules for Octimod. In particular the EPIA EN 15000 VIA mainboard.

There has been quite a bit of coverage this past week check out some of these links.

VIA Press Release
Official Source of the VIA Press Release
The Inquirer
A short article by the Inquirer
Mini-ITX.com Article
Coverage by Mini-ITX.com
Richard Brown VP Marketing VIA Blog

Distributed Computing Group

2007-02-14 by Hanni Ali

I've been looking around for groups or forums in the UK and Europe which provide an interesting social and business opportunity to meet and talk to other working in HPC, HAC and on distributed computing platforms in general. I discussed it with a couple of people the other week and we thought if something doesn't already exist it may be worth starting.

There are a number of groups on the west cost (USA), who meet and have the occasional lecture or drinks session, e.g. the Beowulf user group.

We were thinking of starting something similar in the UK and Europe. Basically anyone with an interest in distributed computing and related subjects would be able to gather and chat to others working in the industry. Additionally this would provide a convenient means for academics and those working in business to meet and interact. Feel free to comment on this post.


The importance of Networking

2007-02-14 by Hanni Ali

What is networking, it's quite a buzz work in business referring to "meeting people who can be of help to you and being of help to them", or in the sense many of us geeks would initially think of, "network occurs any time you connect two or more computers together so that they can share resources".

I find both are really important, by far the most interesting way of getting your business known is to talk to people about it. I find talking to others and listening to their experiences is a vital and fun way to extend possibilities. In addition the more people you talk to about what you do the better you get at telling it, which can really help when talking to investors!

One of the most vital aspects of designing clusters is consideration of the networking topography and technology. In certain applications it is important to provide redundant network configurations and in others minimising the latency of a network is the key factor.


2007-01-30 by Hanni Ali

Well I finally got around to starting a blog and I selected Loudblog as the cms. I felt it's ability to so easily integrate streaming media was an interesting and useful feature.

I usually write things from scratch in HTML and PHP so this is a bit of a step for me to use. I just hope I don't end up feeling too confined.

Anyhow I decided I would begin with less of a blog and more of an introduction.


I currently am working hard on a start-up called Ainkaboot. Ainkaboot aims to introduce the rest of the world to high performance computing, specifically cluster and grid technology. Trying to move it away from the domain of the "supercomputing only" crowd.

This will be done through addressing the current hurdles.

  • Cost
  • Scalability
  • Management
  • Design and Deployment
  • Education - Namely informing about the versatility of Clustering platforms

Our platform at Ainkaboot has reduced the impact of all these problems and provided a complete solution to all processing and storage requirements. Check out Octimod and KlustOS on the Ainkaboot website for more details.


I am a firm believer in open source software and try to contribute to the community as much as possible. Kaboot is a small Linux distribution based on my favourite meta distribution Gentoo Linux.

I'm still working on Kaboot when I get the time and have addressed most of the problems I wanted to before releasing the next version. So should be doing this within the next month.


I have also just begun this additional project although it is in it's infancy I hope OpenSidebar can eventually become the ultimate cross platform sidebar which can contain all my rss feeds widgets, gadgets etc.

I started it out of frustration at not being able to find any suitable sidebar for Linux. Additionally I hope it will help me develop and stretch my GUI programming abilities.

Download MP3 (0:56min, 0MB)

The corporate site for Ainkaboot.
Kaboot - Linux in a Flash
The Sourceforge page, if you want to contribute join up and discuss in the forum.
My favourite Linux distro.

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